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Dec 14, 20204 min read
How bad economics contributed to Labour’s defeat in 2019
#Labour’s #2019defeat has been put down to mostly #Brexit and leadership factors by many commentators. This article looks at some other...

Nov 17, 20205 min read
Labour’s lost decade: Why has Labour lost the last four elections?
This blog outlines how the main reasons behind Labour's electoral problems. “As the decade progressed these centre-ground parties were...

Capture Politics
Aug 14, 20209 min read
Voter’s political perception divides
The blog post outlines how Conservative and Labour party voters now perceive politics very differently from one another. The...

Nov 11, 20196 min read
The Barriers facing Labour this election
“Here again a majority of voters indicate they do not rate Labour’s ability to perform as a party.” This blog post outlines the potential...

Nov 9, 20197 min read
Elections, like most things, are increasingly moving Online.
Using the #BritishElectionStudy election #data from the post wave surveys of #2010 and the #2017 election this analysis finds electoral...
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